If you seriously love a guy then you must ensure that you don't complicate things for him. If he already has a girlfriend or wife then it is recommended that you keep your feelings to yourself, till you feel the time is right to let him know.
Don't scare him by being too candid:
You know your guy friend well. If he is a shy natured guy then you will scare him by being too candid about your feelings. Your declaration should be according to the type of person your guy friend is.
Ask his friends:
It is a good idea to ask his friends what he thinks about you before you go ahead and tell him. You can also ask his friends if he likes some other girl in the class. This will help you find out whether or not he is interested in you.
Drop some clues and see how he reacts:
You don't need to go straight and drop a bomb on him. Give out hints that you really like him. Buy him a lunch, give him a ride or invite him to a wedding with you. Try to spend as much time you can with him. This will help you stay closer to him and this will let the attraction grow between you.
Be his support when he needs it:
Let him know that you are always there for him. If he gets fired from a job, take him out to cheer him up. If his girlfriend dumps him, be sympathetic. If you are caring, he will inevitably take notice of it and know that you like him.
Keep your friendship first:
When letting him know how much you like him, ensure that you don't spoil the relationship. Always keep your friendship before everything else and tell him that even if he is not interested, it should not affect the present equation you share.
Give him some time to respond:
When you tell you guy friend how you feel, do it tactfully. Don't pressurize him for an answer straightaway. Some guys act stupidly at such situations. Let him take his own time and respond slowly.