Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to Flirt With Women Successfully

The secret to really knowing how to flirt with women is understanding just how attraction works for women: they really are attracted to guys who make them feel protected and secure and excited at the same time. Nice guys who do pretty much everything that a woman will soon find themselves heading for lonelyville.

Consider this: how protected would you feel around someone who did pretty much anything the way you wanted them to? Surely, such a person is meek and probably not very good at standing up for themselves. Plus there's the reality that a woman needs a guy who will watch over her, and it's simple to see why being the nice guy is deemed to be inadequate for attracting women.

So "no more Mr. nice guy" might be considered one of the most crucial dating tips for men you'll ever learn...

Using Unpredictability

Okay, so if you could make her feel safe and secure, how do you equalize that out with excitement? Well, knowing how to flirt with girls is all about making yourself a bit unpredictable and leaving her guessing about something. Naturally, you have to make certain this unpredictability and mystery is balanced with a bit of confidence and responsibility.

1 comment:

  1. This one may sound funny but it’s true that no woman likes dating a college lecturer. Reason is simple enough that they don’t want to listen to his lecturers all throughout the date. The case might be different provided the lecturer is too handsome to resist. How to Make Love to a Woman
