Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Make Him Commit to You – Become the One Person he Can't Live Without
Has the dating been going on for long enough and it's time your man made a true commitment to you? Does he realize how important this is to you, but that hasn't really changed his position at all? Are you starting to think that you might have to leave him if he doesn't do something soon? Women often find commitment to be a lot more important than many men. So when it comes to getting him to commit, he's likely lagging far behind. Here's how you can get him up to par and seeing things your way.

There are basically three things to keep in mind.

- Give yourselves breathing space

- Keep the romance fresh and exciting

- Avoid the nagging relationship routine

By allowing yourselves to have space and the freedom to do the activities you both enjoyed prior to meeting one another, you're keeping a healthy distance between you. This is important to remaining happy within a relationship and it also makes you appreciate each other more when you do hook up

Keeping the romance fresh is something that many women set aside. Once they have a guy their beauty regime is shortened, their desire to go out and have fun can disappear, and they suddenly pull out the nasty little characteristics they've been hiding up until that point.

And this could very well be the point where the nagging begins. His little habits you though were cute are now annoying, and the annoying things you once tolerated are so unbelievably irritating you just can't stop yourself from pointing them out to him every chance you get.

Pretty soon the guy can barely breathe without you getting on his back. No one is perfect and you certainly shouldn't expect to fall in love with a guy and then attempt to change everything about him that you don't really like.

A man will commit to the woman he always wants to be with. Who respects and admires him as he is. And who can keep the relationship so fun and exciting he can't resist being with her all the time.

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