Here are ten great indicators you should consider for selecting the man you will spend the rest of your life with, and depending on your beliefs, even an eternity.
1. Notice how he treats his mother, grandmother, sister, and children. It might sound cliché, but it is true. When you're a wife and the ease of dating without responsibility has been replaced by housework and changing diapers, you'll want to make sure he is still the gentleman you first met, and not just a man fueled by the "fun" parts of life.
2. Look for promptness in showing up for dates and other scheduled events. Promptness shows respect for you and also demonstrates how responsible he will be in the workplace.
3. Be aware of the type of driver he is. Is he courteous or does he expect the world to move over for him? Often the latter-style driving reflects his personality under stress.
4. Look for similar religious backgrounds. It is a whole lot easier to solve future problems when you have similar priorities and commitments.
5. Be aware of his level of personal drive to be educated. Education is important for his ability to earn a living for you and your family. Look for a guy that is motivated to succeed in school.
6. Look for a man with a plan. It should be a complete turn off to ask a guy in his twenties, "What are your plans for the future?" and he responds with "Whatever," and turns back to his video games.
7. Notice closely what his habits are now. They will most likely be the same after you're married. If he loves video games now, he will later. If he loves hunting with his brothers over Thanksgiving now, he will still want to be hunting on Thanksgiving when you're married, no matter what your family traditions are.
The saying, "A man marries a woman and hopes she never changes, and a woman marries a man with the hope of changing him."
Do not marry a man you would like to change – you will both end up miserable. Let him meet another girl who is happy with who he currently is. Rather, find a man who is all you feel you need and can accept for who he is now.
8. Look at the whole picture. Can you cope with (hopefully love) your in-laws? They will be your family, so make sure you get along with them, or at least can forgive their flaws. You must realize no family is perfect.
9. Listen to your parents' (and other loved ones') opinions. Typically, they love you unconditionally and have no hidden agenda. They also know you better than the man you just met knows you. They are not blinded by "twitterpation." Do not let them make the decision for you, but seriously consider their opinion and why they say it.
10. Be willing to forgive. No man (or woman) is perfect. Do not lower your standards, by any means, but if he made mistakes and it is definitely behind him, be willing to let go.
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