Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tips For Attracting Men - 3 Things Women Must Do to Be Irresistible to Men

Have you ever felt like you attract the wrong types of guys? Do you ever feel that you attract the men that you just are not interested in? Are you interested in tips for attracting men? Of course, you are. That is why you have come to this page, right?

Imagine this situation. Think about a time when you had a good friend that was secretly in love with you. If you have not had this happen to you (or have not realized it yet), then just pretend for a moment. There is a guy that you are interested in, but he does not pay any attention to you. In fact, you wish that there was a way to make the guy you are interested in fall in love with you just like your friend is in love with you. I have had this happen to me.

Or maybe you are just genuinely interested in tips for attracting men. Take a look at these 3 qualities that a woman must do in order to attract her man.

  • Smile often, and appear to have a positive outlook on life. This is one of the most important tips for attracting men. Men are naturally drawn to the woman who radiates a lot of positive energy. It is almost like an instant attraction. Men do not necessarily pay too much attention to the woman who is always drowning in her sorrows, especially if it is about men.
  • Come off as a bit of a tease. This does not necessarily mean a sexual tease. Sexual attention is the last thing you want to use to attract a man. Sure he will be attracted to what is in your pants, but that is not how to attract the attention that you want. Dress in a way to leave much to the imagination. Once you show everything off too soon, there will not be too much for him to look forward to. Keep him guessing.
  • Men love a woman with a sense of humor. When it comes to learning tips for attracting men, you have to understand that having a sense of humor does not mean that you have to try every joke in the book. Be clever when you talk to a guy and be open to laughing at different things that he says. Be careful, it becomes obvious when a woman tries too hard to get a guy to like her.

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