You thought the two of you hit it off great at a party, so why didn't he call? The first date seemed to go well, so why haven't you heard from him? He seemed to be having a good time, asked questions, and engaged in conversation, so why did he pull a disappearing act? Find out why men don't call and habits to avoid that cause him to disappear.
Men screen women early on
By nature, men tend to be introverted. They may know that they aren't interested in seeing you again but is able to hide it by still acting cool and appear to be having a good time. See, men understand and are sensitive to the pain of being rejected for a date. So, instead of being insensitive, he tends to avoid the situation altogether. He starts by being too busy, not calling as often, and then eventually disappearing completely.
If a man you just met has been acting this way, chances are, he has noticed something in you that raises a red flag. Generally, men have an idea of what they're looking for in a woman. He derives this from his previous dating experiences. He tries to avoid relationship drama by screening out women that are insecure, emotionally immature, needy, or clingy. In order to increase your dating potential, it is imperative that you know and understand the red flags he is looking to avoid. Here are some of the things he is looking to avoid.
· R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Men want women that are respectful. If he takes you out to dinner and you are rude or disrespectful to the restaurant staff, you have already turned him off. Men tend to look at the way you treat others the way you will someday treat him. So, brush up on your manners and remember to be kind!
· Self-esteem
That old saying about loving yourself before you can love others really is true. A man wants a woman that values and respects herself. If you are putting yourself down and pointing out all of your bad qualities, how can you expect a man to respect you and see your good qualities? On the flip side, you don't want to brag about yourself. You simply want to communicate with your words and actions that you respect, value, and love yourself. Confidence is a quality that men find attractive.
· Talking about other men
Men want to be number one in your book. When they find you constantly talking about an ex, they are left wondering if you're really over him. They don't want to have to compete for your love and affection.
· Don't overdo it
By nature, men love the pursuit. Don't take away the fun out of it for him. If you are constantly texting and calling, you're not giving him the opportunity to enjoy the chase. Let him initiate the date and set up the arrangements. Wait for him to text or call. Remember, in the beginning, less is more!
· Be positive
Women who complain excessively come across as high maintenance and hard to please. What guy in his right mind wants to pursue a woman he can never make happy. No matter how attractive a woman is, if he feels he can't please her, he will abandon ship.
· Honesty is the best policy
Men find it more difficult to entrust someone with their heart. If he feels you are being dishonest with him, the relationship won't go anywhere. Dishonesty about your life is a big warning sign! He can't fall in love if he can't trust you.
· Make it count
There are specific conversations that will make a man run for the hills. Some of these include clothes, gossip, money, or talking too much about one's self. In the beginning, try not to reveal too much about yourself. Instead, talk about the things that matter most and leave him wanting to come back for more!
· Punctual and proper
Being late leaves him feeling that his time isn't valuable to you. Changing plans at the last minute is also a bust. Interrupting a man when he is talking leads him to feel that what he has to say just isn't important, so why should he try? Don't let your poor manners get in the way of showing him your great qualities!
Before a man is willing to commit to pursuing you, he wants to make sure that you are serious relationship material. These first few dates, he will be looking for these warning signs. This will determine his interest in you in the future.